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I fucking hate ios 17 or whatever new gay update there is for phones. Switch to ackdriod as it keeps your data safe unlike iphones. The last good ios of iphones was ios 12 and 10.4.3


fucking itoddler, kill yourself


just dont update and just do security updates


Why would you own an iphone in 2024


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>Switch to ackdriod as it keeps your data safe unlike iphones

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which free irc client for mac is the best


Blacked client, its fully open source.

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Hey I need help finding a new graphics card to use in my pc. I was thinking of getting a GTX 1080 TI as I saw some videos about it. I am not looking for a monster graphics card, I just want something that run most things decently.


buy an intel arc


rx6600 is a good budget card, assuming its supported ofc, look around for a good deel, or just go to the used market and pick up a 3080 for like 300 or something


Get a 3080 if you really want, or a 3060 if you're gaymen
They suck
AMD also sucks

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should i learn 3d modeling




I look like that (Yes you should)


Yes, it pays very good if you're good


its semi-easy but its completely useless if you don't want your job to just be 3d modeling. If you do a 3d model for an assignment in school its a guaranteed A+ doe


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yes because its fun and you can make the cobson soyjak or somethin

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do any godotGODS know where i can find resources on procedural 3D generation? I only need to make small maps and I'm having trouble finding any information

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anybody know how to fix win 10 registries i think i fucked them up


Install Gentoo.


man years ago i made a backup of my entire registry and applied it again (for some reason) that unactivated my windows license and broke other things. just reinstall windows


stripe all of your data off that windows drive, then reinstall.

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The Technology that will be "invented" and released for public consumption in 20-30 years is the stuff used for military purposes and by glowniggers TODAY.
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>The CIA are NOT using railguns and laser rifles against hyperborean aryans trying to wipe out africa. Medications NOW!


even normalniggers are taught this in school


nigga i dont care i just want to use enterprise level stuff, thats close enough to "modern" consumer tech


even tho you can join the glowniggers and see they are using coal devices


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^are we being real chodes?

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is it keyed or locked?

i tried it once and rage quit because pkg_add broke, still have the hole in my wall.
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MacOS is BSD tho


And that's le bad why? The kernel shouldn't be using more than one core's cpu time.


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>>use openbsd instead


FreeBSD is better


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Someone call for a good OS?

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Can somebody link soyteen's own ChatGPT he made?


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I just started learning Rust when do I get my femboy bf?


ummm akchually you become the femboy doe

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