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/sude/ - Soychan 2004

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Our FAVE song "DoLL" from the new DDR!!

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Welcome to Soychan!! The most EPIC anime and soyjaks site on the interwebz. Serving 70,000 posts since 2003!

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I don't understand the appeal of these larp boards, It's like living in limbo, where you can only speak a dead language and discuss dead topics, but you have to pretend they're still relevant. I guess that's why these always die.


Trvke. Most of the mfs here are probably autistic.


i like this board but i dont post here for that exact reason
I have no interest in talking like
>teh lulz epic! XD


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I don't understand the appeal of these gimmick, It's like living in limbo, where you can only speak a image macro language and discuss trivial petty topics, but you have to pretend they're relevant. I guess that's why these always die.

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mfw i dont know the music that plays in this

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omg hi…. this is jamies first time posting on this weird website UwU >,< hehe~
how are my friends doing!


we dont say uwu here so uhh dont say it again! ok?

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mfw niggers exist




relatable gem


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What a effing nigra.

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Pingas. - PINGAS
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what's pop team epic


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 1680[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

She's such a cutie omhygawd
How can she get sooooo much h8 from them like get a hobby losers
96 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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another dose of EPIC xD


I'm leaking!! grab a towel



Yep! nigra thats EPIC FAIL! nigra thats EPIC FAIL! nigra thats EPIC FAIL! nigra thats EPIC FAIL! EPIC FAIL soda yeah!


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nyan girl is epik win

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chess if it was better


Homecuck wnbag


Homestuck wabag


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don't forget this

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could you move it to /sude/ instead

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Anime fans (weebs) are the most cringe and pathetic people on the internet. frag all weebs noob. All weebs are going to hell effing japnime gook show for effing cunt noob TCD TCD TCD

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new cybergirlz is out!1 :0 X3






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>teh C.M. Snacks11! ## C.M. Snacks
>>>2334 (OP)


bumo xp


win or something


o_O most awesome sauce thing ive seen today

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chat is this real


funniest shit i've ever seen XD

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i WILL keep this board alive with the power of flashposting
66 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


epic win


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russian win




who even is xis XD


epic win

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‼️ ⏸ 🐫 ⛅️ 📿 🚆 🕧 📄 🏁 🐎 🏎 🌟 🌼 🔑 🐦 🎊 🐞 🆓 🛤 😯 🔐 ➿ 🎧 ⚙ 🙄 🐎 🚙 🖐 🛫 📆 🎄 🏵 👧 🙀 🔔 🖕 🗯 🚬 ➡️ 🤓 🛌 ㊙️ 🍨 🛰 💔 😯 💡 4️⃣ ☔️ 😵 👤 🐊 🙀 🌌 💞 8️⃣ 📅 🐥 🎩 🤒 🏬 ♨️ ⏮ 🚵 💵 🔅 🗽 🏹 🔟 💔 💾 😊 💜 👼 📅 💋 🏝 ⏲ 🏝 🖇 🍢 🕗 🎖 9️⃣ 🚊 🚬 🛣 🌻 🔄 👏 🔳 🚄 🕵 👢 🌬 ☕️ 😡 🕶 🔶 👭 🌞 💁 🐈 💧 🆖 🚟 🐂 🍥 🌩 🔥 👳 ✅ 🔧 😚 ☀️ 🈵 🏗 💓 ⚪️ 💟 👭 😆 🚁 🔊 🍣 🎒 🤕 🚵 ⬆️ 🔝 🍢 📊 ⛏ 🌮 🐮 🏧 ⏺ ❓ 🚟 ❇️ 🔓 💏 4️⃣ ⏪ 🔟 🎖 🛍 🚜 🔘 🖖 🏸 🖼 🆚 🍋 🔎 🐨 ⛴ 🦀 🔑 🚄 😘 🍫 ↕️ 🌗 🕯 💓 ✍ 🚘 ®️ ⚠️ 🐵 👼 ☁️ 💠 🦀 7️⃣ 9️⃣ ⁉️ 🌀 💃 🈯️ 📫 🌅 ⛎ ♣️ 😸 ⛰ 🌲 😂 👵 🐝 🐶 📉 😛 🗨 🍒 📦 🏤 💵 🌫 🍘 📎 👢 🤗 🍷 🔤 🐃 🙏 ⛸ 🚰 🎳 🌺 🌖 ▪️ 💒 🐕 ♥️ 🍖 🔽 🍸 📶 🌖 🦀 🈯️ 💘 🔩 🔎 🔆 ☄ 🚽 🏁 🤔 🔛 ⌨ 😣 🖨 🀄️ 🔭 🔯 🍥 🛀 😥 ⛔️ 🍫 🌎 🐗 💇 👼 🍭 🎓 ⚛ 👟 🎯 😨 🔚 😆 🙊 🈂️ 😮 👛 🌪 😅 👗 🔜 🍌 ™️ ♋️ ⏭ 🔠 🗑 📳 🐶 🐾 🌂 📌 🚓 🍹 😑 🐽 📿 ⛹ 🆓 🐂 🔪 Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>moved to /caca/

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Desktops of Soychan
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this whole bread looks like this


Lolz. What does yotsuba have to do with this bread?



>Lies of 'P


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>this whole bread looks like this

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