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Contact me via email with suggestions, bug reports,questions, or anything at all.


DO NOT email me about unbans, unless it has been 14 days since your last appeal was rejected.


Froot is very busy at the moment and as such is unlikely to respond to emails.
As an alternative, you can use this form to privately contact the site's admins:

If you need an urgent response, try asking in #meta on the IRC.


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Hello soyteens! After the success of FIVE NIGHTS AT COBSON'S, we here at Soyvelopers are ready to announce our next project: IAScar.
In IAScar you will play as your favorite 'jaks and race against other 'teens in a highly competitive multiplayer fast-burn bone chilling spine tingling experience.
However, we need help to complete a project of this size. We are looking for 3D MODELERS to help create the tracks, carts, and items.
Please include examples of your work when applying.
>I want to help but I can't model!
If you say this, don't worry, just keep an eye out for posts from us in the future. There will be more opportunities to contribute.


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A colosseum building project and PVP tournaments are being planned on the minecraft server.

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How am I supposed to start believing in God and Christianity if I just don't? No matter how hard I try, I cannot suspend my disbelief enough to believe in this religion and I cannot imagine defending it. It's so clumsy.

Islam is a much stronger religion but I also cannot believe it because maphammed was a pedophile and music is forbidden…. just because it le is!!!

I guess I'll just remain a deist
52 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


yeah sure in some 3rd world bombed raisinhole, that's surely a win!


I'm not the Christian, retard.


Outgrowing by higher birthrates sure, outgrowing by threatening to kill people if they don't announce themselves to be muslim, sure.

That does not mean you are the truth.


Wow guys for religions of love, you guys sure fight and insult each other alot


christcacas can't accept the fact that their religion was founded by a roman jew to distract the gentiles near israel

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Anti furry comando here

I heard about this website because some friend told me that we can say the n-word, post nazi pepe and organize operation againts the world scum of the world , sjws, furries and weebs because they are evil ,they impose their Igtv agenda in based cartoons like puss in boots 2 We need to eliminate them and trowhing them into the horny jail

Anti furry comando out, heil hitler
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Anti furry comando here

>I heard about this website because some friend told me that we can say the n-word, post nazi pepe and organize operation againts the world scum of the world , sjws, furries and weebs because they are evil ,they impose their Igtv agenda in based cartoons like puss in boots 2 We need to eliminate them and trowhing them into the horny jail

>Anti furry comando out, heil hitler

same here.
Im praying for Total Furfag Death


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I am a straight, white, aryan, anti-LGBT, anti-kike, nazi furry


tr/anthro/ nigger


>I am a straight, white, aryan, anti-LGBT, anti-kike, nazi furry

When you trooning out?


nobody looks like this nor says this

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why does no one laugh at or bully the tranny in my class and everyone calls him she and her?
22 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Literally obsessed




Theyre afraid of punishment probably because troons have institutionalised protections from the shirty femenized western education system


it's sh it

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Who's always giving, chudjak a hand?

The swede
The swede

Who's always messing up Cobson's plans

The swede
The swede

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


fuck all of you

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All of my classmates are trans.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


That's only possible if you go to a special ed class


Special ed is based doe


Well, it’s Reddit, so Reddit hive-mind mentality. One person downvotes you and everyone else follows suit

Or, people are hostile towards the trans community. Not that there’s a valid reason to be hostile, let people do whatever they want (within reason). Hell I have my own personal takes on that discussion as a whole but I’m not opposed to people changing if it makes them happier and more comfortable.


>cutting your dick off le good


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shoot up your school

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Is drinking milk good for you? I heard it has estrogen in it or something.


drink raw milk


Milk, including raw, unpasteurized cow's milk, contains phytoestrogens which can act as SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator). SERMs are used by nonbinary people to aid in transition. Low doses of phytoestrogens also lower aromatase activity (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1240943/pdf/ehp0110-000743.pdf).



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BΓ³br – rzeka na Dolnym ŚlΔ…sku, lewy dopΕ‚yw Odry


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No to jest ten co te tamy buduje no zapomniaΕ‚em jak siΔ™ nazywa

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ITT We post and make videos of/relating to mikobowl
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can someone explain the lore behind why miko farts everywhere and loves wal mart?


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He speaks like hes had a stroke gloink


Moved to >>>/qa/351550.

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not only is this low quality youve also used the fucking redbubble stickers
abysmal, give me 15 mins to recreate it


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(he will always be feral)


It really did take 15 minutes



Holy gem

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>Moon Man, Moon Man, can't you see?
>Spics and niggers need to hang from trees
>And I just love your racist ways
>I guess that's why their mom is black and you're so great
10 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I transheart moonman


moonman won




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he is still gem


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>Gemson, Gemson can't you see?
>The only worthy Cock is a BBΠ‘
>And I just love your sissy ways
>I guess that's why the chuds are mad and you're so great

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kys yuritoilet


kys yuritoilet


big irish cock

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new 'toss
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


ancient 'toss albeit
jbmod won


glistening jberald


Fuck off and back to /pol/ nigger


jbmod won
gmod lost


would it be cool if soyjak.party hosted a server for it

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Yknow it's been a year since we had a good 'blox raid, do you guys want to repeat tomorrow?

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dead pedo site kek


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I just had sex with Hillary Clinton.


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Alive straight normal site

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