You WILL NOT post, link to, or request illegal content.
- Attempting to get the site taken down via DDOS, false reports, etc. is FORBIDDEN.
You WILL NOT advocate, promote, or post pedophilia or pedophilic content.
You WILL NOT advertise for imageboards, discord servers, telegram channels, crypto projects, etc.
- Participation in hostile or disruptive off-site communities or servers is FORBIDDEN.
You WILL NOT excessively spam threads or boards via means of botting.
- Sending false reports is FORBIDDEN.
- Certain types of manual spam may still be punishable. See 'Grey Areas'
You WILL adhere to the general topic or theme of the board you are posting on. Posts that do not pertain to the topic or theme of the board WILL be moved or removed.
- Attempts to use "loopholes" around the rules WILL result in deletion/handling in accordance with normal procedure.
Residential proxies or residential VPNs are forbidden.
Calling Jiren weak is forbidden.
Board-specific Guidelines
/soy/ - Soyjaks
This board is for Soyjaks.
NAS (Not A Soyjak) is permitted but discouraged. Threads dedicated purely to political or NAS media discussion are liable to be moved or deleted.
By decree of Froot, Nikocado Avocado NSFW and coinslot are permitted.
You WILL NOT post in an identifiable manner on this board. This includes avatarfagging and namefagging.
/qa/ - Question & Answer
This board is for SFW NAS.
Soyjaks, /qa/ memes, and other 4chan related memes (such as frogs) are encouraged, but other non-rulebreaking topics are also permitted.
/pol/ - Politics
This board is for political discussions, country wars and other shit flinging.
Gore and explicit wartime imagery are allowed on this board.
/nate/ - Coals
This board is for NSFW NAS. All garbage on the site eventually finds its way to /nate/.
Racebait, furshit, gore, and other terrible non-party related topics can be found here.
Grey Areas
Making posts that are obfuscated in a way that is hard for moderators to examine may be removed.
Spamming in threads that are considered serious or generally acceptable by the userbase/moderation team to make them unusable may cause your posts to be removed and or banned without notice.
Spamming new threads in an attempt to wipe the catalog is only permitted on /soy/, /qa/, and /nate/.
While the act of doxxing is generally discouraged, in most cases it is deemed acceptable by the user base. However, the administration reserves the right to intervene if they feel that a dox is unwarranted or crosses a line.
The minimum age to browse this site is 16, because that's the average age of a /qa/ poster. However, it is likely that underage posters will get through nonetheless. It is impossible to definitively tell whether or not a poster is underage. Therefore, users cannot be banned just under the suspicion of being underage, unless they openly admit to being under 16.