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/raid/ - Raid: SHADOW LEGENDS


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bvmping this tanzanite, that niggerheaven has existed for years, its time


Holy fuck I remember this subreddit ruined my day when I found it as a 14yo. BUMO


File: IMG_0710.MOV πŸ“₯︎ (3.72 MB)

even if we cant dox this niggooners straight from goonerhell, you should raid the plebbit with stuff like this (credit to the people in clip thread for this video) as they would probably jack off to dead niggers and gay porn


technically its goonerheaven


trve… and "original content"


Guro is an abomination


delete this btw


jannies can you do my job


Bump, death to guroniggers


As if you're any different from r/guro if you post that


they censor word "shit" but not their vile degeneracy


fuck the law. just fucking shoot them at the back of their heads


We post dead niggers in this site, so what gives us the position to rape r/guro?


File: dancesoy.gif πŸ“₯︎ (222.04 KB, 600x627) ImgOps

Guro is fucking based, but i hate reddit tranny mods.
Get em king.


we send dead nigger vids to gooners and trannies and we don't goon to it, these people want kids to jack off to gore, we have every right to rape these niggers





Boomp. kill rape 'ox.


YuriGOD1’s alt


We don't jerk off to dead niggers you fucking retard.


Bumo i have always hated guro with a burning passion


Literally same i could not get those god awful images out of my head and i think its one of the only things that has truly made me sick to the


> Full Name
Timmons Abdullah
> Address
30 Linden Place, Hempstead, NY 11550
> Socials
> Pseudonyms
> IPs


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>30 Linden Place, Hempstead, NY 11550


Proof? Where is this from?



I used the twitter databreach to find an email:

The reddit account owns a warhammer community, and the twitter accounts says they like warhammer, so I'm pretty sure they are the same person.


holy fvcking keyed


/nate/ and /a/ does


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Where can i find the β€˜breach


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>Guro is fucking based, but i hate reddit tranny mods.
Get em king.

Please ACK nigga


One of you chuds should see if his parents are still alive and tell him about his wholesome 100 Reddit modding geg

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