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/q/ - Soyjak Party Meta

The Serious Boardβ„’ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining
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Welcome to /q/, The Serious Boardβ„’ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining.
Posts here are read by the staff and may receive responses if necessary.

In addition to this board, staff can also be contacted through #meta on irc.soyak.party and through this contact form: https://soyjak.party/survey/?r=survey/index&sid=526468&lang=en

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fix how images and text format this looks like raisin and its unreadable


do this nudev

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FPE theme just got released, quickly admins add it to the list!
11 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The theme list recently got updated
There's a new version that hosts images on Pomflain, so far from my testing it's much more reliable thannthe original, i suggest the developers implement it ASAP


FPE Snowflakes: (paste in User JS)

if (localStorage.stylesheet == "Yotsoyba B") {
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<div class="snowflakes">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/9lfswq.webp" style="width:50px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/g0dhjt.webp" style="width:50px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/vq4yn4.webp" style="width:50px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/ep7yyj.webp" style="width:50px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/w2hp2m.webp" style="width:5000px;">
<img class="snowflake" src="https://files.catbox.moe/ewovtj.webp" style="width:5000px;">
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total fpecuck death doe


File version


Pls add

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turn the captcha off on /nate/ i cannot do a cattywipe like that

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Add a "previous names" tab to the namefield instead of a persistent one to prevent using the wrong name (also easy capcodes so you dont have to remember a password)


tsmt give nameGODS more power


i dont actually have a userscript for this; i did this using inspect element

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What's the closest jak we've ever had to being the Cobson killer?
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Made by a xitter faggot plus nobody uses it except for that drawfag


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Zuckjak is the cobson killer


even doe dubbbzjak won


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I need a spanking
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pls dont get slid get xim the spanking xe needs


Do this


wholesome cvtie



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Saar please give me the soygem pass I put effort into my writing, I need a soygem pass because I want to use a VPN at my school, they are cracking down on shit. I will expose your website as being a Jewish operation, do not make a false move. Your website will be exposed as a honeypot, and your gathering of Shekels through selling our data will be stopped.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


School starts tomorrow I dont want to be datamined by da jooz please saar


keep giving fucking β€˜cord normalniggers the pass this site is near it’s end you fucking kiked out jannies. Fuck you and your datamining faggot captchas nigga just get one that is simple no fucking nextgen georgefloyd tech captcha solving AI is going to come on your fuckass normalnigger sanctuary website. Harboring shit that goes against the principles of imageboards and taking a massive shit on this imageboard. Shame faggots shame. All to groom one last kid. Throggle my fucking balls faggots, fuck everyone that owns this half assed retard website you oldcuck fucking normalfaggot shit eating diaper wearing gigacucks. Maybe you wouldn’t need so many captchas and shit if you weren’t distracted grooming kids while your non existent wives get turbo nigga blacked. Fuck you. Fuck your site. Fucking faggot every cunt who runs this site has steamy anal with fat men and licks nutella out of asscracks. End all of your sad careers. Worthless pieces of shit your lives mean NOTHING


Quit feeding the very cancer killing this site, 'cordspawn nametrannies literally thrive on the notoriety you give them, and it's apart of the reason why this place turned into a absolute irreparable shithole


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Proof I've been on the site since 2022. Stop giving newniggers da pass saar… I want the pass for the vpn access this school is jewed



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Talk Like a Pirate Day wordfilter.
Chud > matey
Nigger > landlubber
Froot > Captain Coal
Tranny/troon > scallywag
johnson/johnson > BPC
4chan/4cuck > the swamp
Sharty > the seas
Gem > booty
Gemerald > limey
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16 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


This board is really dead.


Janny, do you like these ideas? ALSO I REPORTED MYSELF ONLY SO YOU COULD SEE IT.


Move this back.



Stop raisinting up the queue

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Day 2 of asking soot to add /tub/ - tubbies
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lake dipsy mogs albeit


would you


autistic samefagging


jannies went too far exposing him

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