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/pol/ - International Politics


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Which side does /pol/ support?



Palestine I'm not a kike


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>>>412710 (OP)
>Palestine I'm not a kike


Projecting jewtranny


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>>>>412710 (OP)
>>Palestine I'm not a kike


Israel. I hate Jews but we can worry about them after we kill the seething sandniggers


Watch, I'll get 50000 gorzillian seething shitskins replying to me by tomorrow.


Projecting racetraitor


Meds your the real projecting race traitor you support the Zionist jews




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AIPAC gets no money from israel they're a domestic pac they have no exception from fara + america has an interest in BTFOing islamist extremist shithole countries that flood europe with terror like isis and syria and iran meanwhile you are supporting people that want to destroy and conquer the west


Projecting Jews wanna do that plus Syrians are literal aryans


>jews want to do this because they just do also the people forming rape gangs in your cities are aryan o algo
the state of modern chuddom


Jews wanna put whites in camps dumbass your the real race traitor and soft for bjc


>nooooo, you must take a side in the sandnigger conflict that is happening thousands of kilometers away from you!


holy meds if we live in zog then why would they want to get rid of their strongest golem


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>>>412730 (You)
>>nooooo, you must take a side in the sandnigger conflict that is happening thousands of kilometers away from you!


Have fun when the Jews kill you all as a burnt offering sand others are fighting for us



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>>>412738 (You)




I don't like slopjaks



no argument award geeeeg


The Jews legit wanna kill you race traitor tranny


You aren't making any sense


Esl tranny shut the fuck ul


>being esl le bad


>only 2 votes for neither
what are you guys doing


The enemy of da jooz is my friend


It is doe


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>>>412751 (You)
>It is doe


hamas is funded by israel and are actors who DA JOOS can launder money and bomb people. Kind of like palpatine in a sense


Retarded faggot Zionist shill Hamas hates Israel and Israel hates Hamas the reason why your orange flagging is becuz you wanna hide your israeli flag mossad faggot agent


How about you support neither side >>412710


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>Retarded faggot Zionist shill Hamas hates Israel and Israel hates Hamas the reason why your orange flagging is becuz you wanna hide your israeli flag mossad faggot agent


Geg, this


i support the peaceful ones


Fuck both them, One of them is jewfag, One is retarded muslofag.


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>growing a islamist terror groups to own da jews
>spreading pisslam rape gangs to own da jews
>yielding to iran to own da jews
>letting russia kill europe to own da jews
what causes this brainrot


Why do I see a palestine flag in the middle nigger you should of just posted tkd



Dont care not my fight


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>Retarded faggot Zionist shill Hamas hates Israel and Israel hates Hamas the reason why your orange flagging is becuz you wanna hide your israeli flag mossad faggot agent

can you shut the hell up, hamas is like isissy, they both are just tools to make more money off of war. Why else do you think it is going on for so long, its for money. No one cares about freedom.


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If I don't support Israel then I'm a kike?



None. Nuke them both and you'd have world peace


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>None. Nuke them both and you'd have world peace


palestinians are closer to gypsies both in their appearance and behavior so I hope the kikes wipe them out.


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When October 7th happened I was pro-Palestine, but when the Palestinians proceeded to get their shit kicked in afterwards and went back to the cliche "LOOK AT OUR LE DEAD BABIES" shit I became neutral. Similar thing with the Russo-Ukrainian war where I was pro-Russia at the beginning but as the war became a retarded nigger stalemate I stopped caring.


Our greatest ally.


The Kingdom of Jerusalem.




An Arab supporting Israel? Crazy


He is a jew


no hes just a shitter immigrant posting dogshit goybait
he complained about jews a few hours ago




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Neither is winning

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