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/pol/ is back to being /pol/. I re-opened >>>/int/.

NSFW, including gore and explicit wartime imagery, is allowed in /pol/. However, you must still be on topic, so no loopholes to turn this into /nate/, coomer paradise, or #gore-dump.


Readded the Kuzist flag.

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nigger I'm not him


>failsage is now my email


I stand with Serbia


Sage fail


yes I leaked on /soy/ and it made that my email and it stuck to me

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 β„–421642[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

How am I supposed to start believing in God and Christianity if I just don't? No matter how hard I try, I cannot suspend my disbelief enough to believe in this religion and I cannot imagine defending it. It's so clumsy.

Islam is a much stronger religion but I also cannot believe it because maphammed was a pedophile and music is forbidden…. just because it le is!!!

I guess I'll just remain a deist
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Keep this straight aryan thread in /soy/


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>>>best religion is european paganism, don't @ me
>>>nothing else had a system of spells and folklore quite like it


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religious conversion is bumping muslim numbers


Did you even read the graph you have in this raisinty jak? More people are becoming atheists with a slight increase for Muslims


>God has determined morality arbitrarily
Yes, God's arbitrariness gives him free choice
>Does God want to prevent evil
No, he made it
>God is not good/loving
never said that atheists are declining albeit it is actually pretty negligible numbers in terms of conversion to islam

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 β„–415914[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3]

1-Muhammad raped a 9-year-old child.

Pedophilia is an inversion of Christian conduct.

(Matthew 19:4-6)
(Sahih al-Bukhari 5133)
(Sunan an-Nasa'i 3379)
2-The Quran denies the Father and Son.

Muslims do not believe in the eternally begotten Son of God.
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Inbred-induced retardation isn’t solely why Muslims or sub-saharans are degenerates.

They choose to rape, steal and murder.

Mentally handicapped people can be moral.

But brown bioweapons are both functionally retarded and actively hate Christian European culture.



Muslims are powerless and useless. Nothing more than Jewish bioweapons to rape and kill.


Another day, another Mohammed tried to rape a child.


Plenty of white Musli rapists. Muhammad was allegedly a white ginger according to the Hadiths.

Not to mention, the infinite passages on rape conduct.

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this brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart : )
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>>geg an actual albanian
>>Now THIS, kids, is the real subhuman race. Albanians are just impoverished balkanoid criminals and of course cumskins


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>T-t-this, um, k-kind of m-m-makes me f-feel all, y'know, s-s-smiley and stuff… A-a-and… uh, m-my heart's all j-jittery. :)


I laughed at this


Lol he looks like Serbian bitchdog because he is


Me when xhey shutted down xitter

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>You will never experience being a teen in the Hitlerjugend
Why even live?
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>So that i can free to express myself as a non binary latinx trans girls with an odd fascination with diapers :3


Why would I wanna be in hitlers groomcord?




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>Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do


Ur weird

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aryan map
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it's not, I've seen many ruskis with blue eyes and blonde hair, and slavs aren't considered nordic at all


Even though nordics/norses/scandinavians are just germanic (north germanic) and also northern europeans


How do you explain turkic khans described as blue eyed and blonde haired by the ancient chinese texts ?


You come here every have has blue eyes blond hair hitler even said so himself


tocharian mutts

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 β„–419949[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

I believe when dealing with foids it is useful to consult the triple six or 666 rule. It is as such because foids are demonic.
To know if a foid is into you, ask yourself if all of the following traits apply to you.
>6 feet or taller
>6 PSL or higher
>6 inches or longer
If any of these don't apply to you then… +=IT NEVER BEGAN+=
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Nuking female dating agency is not a viable option for inkwells doebeit. When you allow people that wouldn't have been able to reproduce because they are unattractive to spread their genes, you are doing so against the wishes of overall population fitness, to appease to the infinitely more miniscule and petty objective of pacifying the bickering of inkwells that otherwise wouldn't have had sex. Western tradition has seeped deep into the culture of Arab countries, and Saudi Arabia has been westernizing extremely fast. They will eventually succumb, with the final bastion of religiosity and modesty now made a mockery of itself. This is all even more relevant when you take a look at how globalized dating has become. With the rapid influx of migrants into the West, they are no longer competing amongst their own. In Sweden for example, their competition is literally 6 foot 2+ Chadlites. The reasons for their failure to assimilate are far beyond ideological.
It's the reason why India remains a dysgenic raisinhole, and cousin marriage in MENA has lead to IQ decreasing. Of course, the current hypergamy in the West is not ideal, but some degree of female sexual selection is needed.
The reason why the Dutch are so tall are because short men didn't reproduce. The reason why Polynesians are so strong and wide framed is because the environment selected for the best of seafarers to reproduce.


In my entite life most degenerate women ive seen was women with hijabs
Might be different in other countries idk


I've seen a fair share of them too. A lot of people forget that Hijab is more of a concept rather than a piece of clothing. A woman who doesn't wear the scarf but is reserved, doesn't wear fakeup, and doesn't post on Instagram or other social media for male validation practices Hijab infinitely better than some hoejabi bitch.
Those are the most evil of foids. They will put on a guise of religiousity to find a loyal betabuxxer only to hide her past of being a slut. And then they will divorce him GEEG


I think it also has to do with sexual repression. If they don't truly internalize the values of chastity and celibacy the moment they get any kind of freedom they will go wild with sleeping around as a form of rebellion


>When you allow people that wouldn't have been able to reproduce because they are unattractive to spread their genes, you are doing so against the wishes of overall population fitness

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