I believe when dealing with foids it is useful to consult the triple six or 666 rule. It is as such because foids are demonic.Chudcels literally can't debunk this geeeeeeg jamz
You're tuned into HonkFM- The #1 and ONLY based pirate radio/SSFB/ - SS Femboys waffen division
/SSFB/ - SS Femboys waffen division: no leakage editionAs a Cuckhold & a Christian I'm glad to see the progress Pope Francis has made
under the new Frootist OrderThe population decline and society collapse is coming and population decline is already here
What can i expect?tmd ou algo
Lads aparently when i tarrant posted abb lisbon's mosque people got "worried" and "scared" they had to cancel mosque activities including firday prayer, i was informed abb this when PJ feds raided my house for the 2nd time but today was difrent because they had a warrant and they took my devices for further investigation ou algo now i wont have my devices for like 30-40 days also my accouts are now "property of PJ" until judge decides what to do with me tommorow actualy made mozzies seethe irlBanning assault weapons WILL stop mass shootings
I'm fucking sick of you gun nuts spewing authoritarian NRA propaganda you get paid for and trying to refute common sense research discoveries on gun control.IRL Soylitics
thread dedicated to discussing future plans geared towards furthering our political interests IRL.Islam is a fake religion made by jews
1-Muhammad raped a 9-year-old child.SECRET INFORMATION
if you live in a country other than usa/ukChristcacas...
The Old Testament can't be from God Almighty. When was Jesus crucified? Mark 15, verse 25. It was nine in the morning when they crucified him. John 19, verse 13 to 16. When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out and set down on the judge's seat at the place known as the stone pavement. It was the day of preparation of the Passover. It was about noon. Here is your King, Pilate said to the Jews. But they shouted, take him away! Take him away! Crucify him! Shall I crucify your king? Pilate asked. We have no king but Caesar, the chief priest answered. Finally, Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. According to the gospel of Mark, Jesus was crucified at nine in the morning, but according to the Gospel of John it was noon, and Jesus was still not being crucified. A clear cut contradiction in one of the key doctrines of Christianity lies about the prophets of God.Kill all muslims for a Peaceful World
Why Islam is cancer:Somali sand niggers are pedophile sub-humans
Somali migrants are the most revolting orcs among the ranks of brown savages.100m run-time to escape draft officers
what is a good time to sprint 100 meters to make sure i would be able to run away from the average draft officers which are not athletic?thinking about joining the army?
watch this video. thank me later you didnt get raped.Romanian opinion of russia
I know there are some romanians here and I am interested in how they perceive russia from a geopolitical sense. Do you think it poses a significant risk? If war broke out between NATO and Russia, would the armed forces be able to deter or defeat a russian invasion(either from the sea or through Moldova)? Would you support romanian troops moving to fight in the baltic or poland?the raped me in the US army Politics of SuperMarioLogan Characters: A Thread
>Mario: moderate conservative Republican, votes Trumo but doesn't like him