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/pol/ - International Politics

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/pol/ is back to being /pol/. I re-opened >>>/int/.

NSFW, including gore and explicit wartime imagery, is allowed in /pol/. However, you must still be on topic, so no loopholes to turn this into /nate/, coomer paradise, or #gore-dump.


Readded the Kuzist flag.

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importing minorities here in droves would be fine if hate crimes were legal
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Sandnigger award
Drinks camel piss award
Hates white people award


>immigrants bad ev&oe theyre literally what keeping my country afloat


everybody ingests gross raisin albeit, red food coloring is made from bugs, they're just not told about it
urine is used in medicine because it harbors hormones or something


Why did Muhammad have slaves?


islamic slavery is more like servitude rather than forcing niggers to pick the cotton fields or whatever it is christians made slaves do

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kill all christians and pagans and atheists
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Agnostic trvke


all of these are the same except atheism


I'm not agnostic, I know Christ is lord, I just don't larp
no, atheism is one of the worst, atheism has corrupted modern society into people having no guilt for committing sins


That doesn't morally make sense since sins are just a made up concept anyway. That's like if I made up a religion that says you have to goon every day and christianity is the worst since it tells you not to goon every day


once again religiousissies unable to see anything out of the scope of their book of nonsense and unable to critically think or have a consistent human morality outside of a book and actually depend on logic

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The Morgenthau Plan was based total german sissy death
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>>>421389 (OP)
>gemerald plan that would have saved the world and the sharty


Establish the fourth reich instead


Geeeeeg serbsluttas still hate their masters


biggest slut for nazi cock award


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>Establish the fourth reich instead

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what do you guys think of Eastern Europe
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Kurva anyΓ‘d

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Hey soi/pol/sluts, get pinkpilled.


Nuh uh


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^pinkpilled slutta


Serbsluts are pinkpilled for BRC

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Kill all germans
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Live yourself commie


>Kill yourself nazi
Most retarded faggot award


marge why did stalin not kill all germans?


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>Kill yourself nazi


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protect all germans

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What happened to the GreekCHAD?

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God has a hand, and this is one of his attributes, but his attributes are nothing like ours. You can't imagine what God looks like.
Quran 42:11
>the Originator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you spouses from among yourselves, and mates for livestockβ€”multiplying you ΛΉbothΛΊ. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE HIM, for He is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.


Jesus Christ is our only Lord and saviour he saved me multiple times i hope he saves you amen🙏


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>anything ending with a -by
>discord splinter
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im…im…im a transgirl and i need my diaper


God tier bait




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>im…im…im a transgirl and i need my diaper


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