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number one: aussie lemonade
number two: the white one
number three: pipeline punch
let me know what you guys think and what you would change
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>aussie lemonade
>isn't sold in australia
wtf burgers???


Tsmt wtf why is it only mutt land that gets the other flavours


Monster is Troon potion but if I had to pick one it’s ultra


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I wish it were easier to find the ultra gold flavor


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Monster and all energy drinks are goyslop that make you retarded infertile and troon out


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 β„–8540134[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

How am I supposed to start believing in God and Christianity if I just don't? No matter how hard I try, I cannot suspend my disbelief enough to believe in this religion and I cannot imagine defending it. It's so clumsy.

Islam is a much stronger religion but I also cannot believe it because maphammed was a pedophile and music is forbidden…. just because it le is!!!

I guess I'll just remain a deist
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>Relegion is bad because it says masturbating is a sin. Your relegion isnt holding me back, its holding yourself back


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>Relegion is bad because it says masturbating is a sin. Your relegion isnt holding me back, its holding yourself back


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So spadeson now wants to fuck Jesus instead




Unapproved media


Post the image to make Russia condom shivering in terror


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The Morgenthau Plan was based total german sissy death
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Ka Russia bitch, Germany %100,000


good morneeng saar


Good Morning Saar



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>Hitler won even doe he lost
GEEEEEG Analbanian sissys IQ is below 90 for a reason


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to those who are in college or graduated what is / was your major
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Fundamentals & basics of soy studies degree


be me neutralGOD


Kys datamining jew


I’m currently in college


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White Extinction


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>be mudslime
>dreaming about maphammed and circling around a black rock all night long
>wake up
>beat wife (Islam is for women rights tho :))
>go greet 7 year old daughter
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>Geg is this the obsessed portunigger from /pol/


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who the hell is the bulgarian anyway


Marge what is this variant supposed to be based off




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The Trump vs Democratic Party debate is scheduled.. TODAY, Chuds. Will they finally and forever stump this Trump??
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democracy doesn't work


cuckthoritarians ITT


raisin bait


sounds like you're from /leftypol/, which is not gemmy btw


same vibe as breadtubers calling everyone they don't like a nazi


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>go to mass
>priest says "sin will never be sharty culture"
Did soyjak.party go too mainstream?


This happened


This happened


This happened


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this brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart : )
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>this brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart : )


Kys rusia slutbitch


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>>>421463 (You)
>Kys rusia slutbitch


geg an actual albanian
Now THIS, kids, is the real subhuman race. Albanians are just impoverished balkanoid criminals and of course cumskins


Serba going to get bombed by George Bush again from his grave


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How many people on here use 4chan's /g/? I've noticed a significant amount of jaks and sharty lingo on there
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give it to me then


uisng chad is so ironic
r9k is a bunch of miserable incels who hate women
for a board where the only gmmick is the bot 90% of threads are about relationships and women in a bad way


Me too sister I use it to get pinkpilled


Have coitus


The ai chatbot threads are always filled with 'jaks and soyspeak, some of you are extreme gooners.


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Can’t listen I’m in school


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how would you take down a anonymous foodists group that spams every single site with cp and animal abuse and the feds dont care about despite them spamming dd


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Was jesus jewish?


him and his worshippers are jewish


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No he was hebrew


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>mfw jesus wasn't white


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Should I make sharty madness combat where I kill troons zelligniggers frogniggers and raisin that would probably be half-assed and cancelled


do it


oil up




do this


Those are all shΠ°rty culture tho


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Now that the dust has settled, is Walmart actually racist?
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they need to be more racist to people like this albeit


miko can you give me clips


Wait that’s actually a woman? I’ve only ever seen the screaming part and I couldnt pinpoint a gender to the voice


If walmart was actually racist then it would target the other black women in the crowd, but the officer attacked the fat bitch with the purple pants for vandalism o algo


proof walmart is raysis:

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