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The manager is running a competition on >>>/mtv/52650
for Black Ops 1 Zombies (install guide here, you do not need to own it on Steam, but you can either way >>>/mtv/52350)
You must have a team of 4 players who can play on Friday and Saturday to compete, and you must also come up with a name for your team
Whichever team gets to the highest round on the specified map will move to the next bracket.

There will be 6 teams, with 4 on each team, so 24 players will be required!

Third place and above: A soygem pass
Second place and above: Potentially a nameplate that says "Winner" on the Schlog (if you use it)
First place: Each player on your team will receive 5 random Steam game keys!


dead nigger of a thread


i mean you seriously think you can get 24 fucking players for this? Well.
Good luck, I guess. I mean if I attempt to participate, I could get a free soygem pass and I'll probably need that o algo.




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Make United Slavic Empire.
Compromised of Poland, Czechia, Slovenia, Russia, Belarus, All of the baltic countries (I don't care they're not slavic.), Slovakia, and some of the slavic balkan countries i don't remember


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I have to go catch the schoolbus, good luck on the raid



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