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 β„–50346Sticky[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

Hello chuds, Im working on a sharty mod for scpcb. I am looking for help with some suggestions on what to do and for modeling help.

I plan to also include Soysylum lore in this as well.

When giving a suggestion on why a certain 'jak should be a certain scp you WILL elaborate.
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holy nigga balls its real

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 β„–52350Sticky[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

Hopefully we'll try to vc in this thread every friday

this is also a guide on how to play bo1, bo2, and WaW

step 1, download a torrent for any game (or you can just buy it off of steam) (you can use wayback machine to find the links of the torrents on plutonium)

LINK TO ALL GAMES, AND THEIR DLC's HERE YOU DONT HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE DLCS AS THEY ARE ALREADY IN THE MAIN TORRENT https://kippykip.com/threads/call-of-duty-plutonium-torrents.5005/

download https://www.qbittorrent.org/

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whats the appeal of this
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Funnily enough, for every ten Nintendies, there's at least one Sonic fan who's a troon.
I'd rather take Sonic, a franchise with a strong dedicated fan-base with a 70/30 split between normal people and troons, then Mario, with a fan-base consisting of actual toddlers and 30 something balding nu-males.
Also, Sonic fan slop has sovl, Mario raisin does not.


sonic 3 is better than anything the mario faglovers have played


Whats better though, having to replay the first 10 games and fangames or always having new good quality games
Bing bing wahoo always has at least good games (partly because alot of sonic team moved to nintendo kek). Sonic on the other hand gets game design graduate rushjob niggerstones every 5 years


>having to replay the first 10 games and fangames
Subjective from person to person, I have a very broad taste when it comes to what I consider a "good" Sonic game, and that list is way longer then a measily 10.
I understand the point your getting though.
>Bing bing wahoo always has at least good games
Once again a very subjective point but I will admit, the overall consistent quality of Bing Bing Wahoo is quite commendable compared to what Sega has going on at the moment.


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>Bing bing wahoo always has at least good games

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Any Regular ShowGODs here?
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Did you rape any Kazakh women


MEDS both are good.


Dravidian gem


No but kazakh girls touched me in my no no place when i was younger :(


You know I don't watch cartoons

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>Space Station 13
>Space Station 14
>Dwarf fortress
>Project Zomboid
>Old School Runescape


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project zomboid


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only ss13-14 belongs in this list

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Many people hearing femtanyl for the first time complain that they can hear a "tranny nigger yelling all the time" but the truth is that fentanyl contains no lyrics, it's actually you yourself screaming while witnessing absolute peak of Aryan art, sh1tskin tranny brain is unable to comprehend the Beauty of Dionysian art causing dissociation, irritability, shortness of breath and death


there's no dubstep song better than this

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New sloptran just dropped


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aphex twin won albeitydoughy

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another sewerslvt troon fuming at the essence of a straight white man….
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sewerslvt is a tranny you delusional faggot


says the dubsteptranny


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>says the dubsteptranny
Also, listened to fagtanyl's worldwide, it straight up is just a rap song but with an extremely homoerotic beat.


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>>says the dubsteptranny
>Also, listened to fagtanyl's worldwide, it straight up is just a rap song but with an extremely homoerotic beat.


listen to the chaser album
and it's still better than the best dubstep song

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The best autism goyslop.
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Craig McCracken; A very good, old-guard animator. I'm way past the age to watch his shows, but when I was a kid, I liked his stuff. I'd let a kid watch what he made, because it's actually entertaining to kids without being brainrot. Craig also made Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. I think his wife worked on that one too.


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>>>53680 (OP)
>actual toddlers

Praying for this nigger to get striked by lighting

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How the hell do i get into this game? It's my first time playing grand strategy.
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gsg is where is draw the line. HOI4 sucks.


>mega death robots aren't fun
kill yourself now


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I cannot wait to make heckin gender affirming first contact with these wholesome BIPOC empires!


Play victoria 3 or eu4


>Play victoria 3 or eu4

Average retard who cant wait for eu5

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