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IRC Server


IP: irc.soyak.party
Port: 6697

We have an official IRC server.
It was made for use by the moderation team but regular users are also welcome to use it for chatting with each other.

SSL is supported and recommended.
IP cloaking is enabled and forced on.

Connection Guide

  1. Install an IRC client. I recommend HexChat and the following instructions assume you're using it.
  2. After installing HexChat you will be greeted by the network list.
  3. Click "Add" and rename the newly created network from New Server to Soyjak Party.
  4. Select Soyjak Party in the network list and click "Edit...".
  5. Edit the server from newserver/6697 to irc.soyak.party/6697 then close the popup.
  6. Pick your username then select Soyjak Party and click "Connect".
  7. Assuming you followed all the instructions correctly, you'll successfully connect and HexChat will ask if you'd like to join a channel or view the list of channels.
    For now though, select "Nothing, I'll join a channel later." and click "OK".
  8. Register your username by sending /nickserv register password with the chatbox, replacing password with whatever you want your password to be.
    Registering your username means that it requires a password to use, preventing people from impersonating you.

Once your username is registered, you're good to go.
Use /list to get the list of channels or /join #channel-name to join a channel directly.
Next time you connect, make sure to use /nickserv identify password to log in, replacing password with the password you used for registration.