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File: sfwgem.mp4 📥︎ (15.68 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps


ITT post mgeralds
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Fuck it.
It's kween Wednesday ???
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She's Shakespeare though


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Holy raisin i fucking hate niggers, especially nigger women

File: Kosovo je Srbija.mp4 📥︎ (8.61 MB, 854x480) ImgOps


anyone who thinks this site is trash or shut down is a t50 brownoid
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File: nigger (2).png 📥︎ (18.53 KB, 382x534) ImgOps

>diediedie britimutt coalforcer


3 goyim braps above me


I'm a t50 brownoid



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>I'm a t50 brownoid

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 45613[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5]

Cob on da 'tter, with no spade fortunately.
This is why BBC is the ultimate tourist filter.
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This is 9/11 for rw twitter latinx


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>This is 9/11 for rw twitter latinx EET'Z DUH LUHTEENEKZ!!!


the shemmy is just a jakparty.soy 2.0 at this point


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>This is 9/11 for rw twitter latinx
moroccan xhistas…


why did she need to quote twice

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have any of those sand monkeys of arabia ever had the joy of playing sonic the hedgehog on the game gear or were they too busy raping women for goat feed


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>we peninsular arabcacas are better than mesopotamianKINGS, levantineCHADS and nafriSIGMAS! MUH RICH TRIBES! WE ARE HECKING DESCENDANTS OF THE PROPHET!!! or however I'm a pimp and I sold my aunt o algo…
Oh nonononononono yemenibros…
>ever had the joy of playing sonic the hedgehog
I do, but in emulator (pc and phone), ps2 and ps4, I have never had or even touched a game gear, years ago I wanted to know what the Sega Saturn or the Dreamcast was like but especially the first one because it seems to be rarer.


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This image is premium garbage since Greg Martin's Keyednic is crossed out, despite it being the main influence for what would've been the modern Sonic design.
A good 80% of everything good about Sonic came from the western branch.

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He looks like an arabic Fidel Castro


No I only defended Indians half year ago


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fpefags be like o algo


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romanian schoolsissies, what is THIS? GEEEEEEEEG
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Akshually romania is in southeastern europe but anyway is a sub-region that is part of eastern europe


If we're to take culturally. Transylvania would be central, Wallachia would be Balkan and Moldova eastern. But geographically? Eastern and southeastern/balkan


What does this have to do with anything


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even doe greece is in southern europe and is also in the balkans THO


Add Slovenia and it will be Quadrimarum

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Do not reply
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There's no goyim in poland


Cope gentile cattle


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Jeśli my były żydy to i też my były czarnuchy, bo żydy jako semici mieli 10% afrykańskiego dna (mają kręcone włosy)


Kanye west miał racje


Kanje dosłownie 13 apostoł

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can you put anonymous on int


yeah you can


anymus plis not hack mi

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