>we peninsular arabcacas are better than mesopotamianKINGS, levantineCHADS and nafriSIGMAS! MUH RICH TRIBES! WE ARE HECKING DESCENDANTS OF THE PROPHET!!! or however I'm a pimp and I sold my aunt o algo…https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Abna%27Oh nonononononono yemenibros…
>>102226>ever had the joy of playing sonic the hedgehogI do, but in emulator (pc and phone), ps2 and ps4, I have never had or even touched a game gear, years ago I wanted to know what the Sega Saturn or the Dreamcast was like but especially the first one because it seems to be rarer.
my aunts and uncles played on a famicom, my uncles had a gameboy
>>102126Ukrainians and russians are the same doebeiterino. Your point being?
Start calling russia 'pockner' for fun.
There is hardly any russian gooning material, all of the content is american or japanese. There is only some webcam here and there, idk why there is so little. Idk about 'p i dont search it like you i guess. I dont think americans have the right to speak about social degeneracy at all even THOUGH i like americans but not (You) FAGGOT.
>>99160She's Shakespeare though
Holy raisin i fucking hate niggers, especially nigger women
Stop bumping these years old threads you niggers
Add Slovenia and it will be Quadrimarum
3 goyim braps above me
I'm a t50 brownoid
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