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A banner for soyjak.party

/craft/ - Minecraft


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Version: 1.20.6 - IP: mc.soyak.party:25565

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I think almost every player wants this rule to be a thing, it is for the better good of the server to have something like this especially without any /tp commands. It IS NEUTRAL territory and you VILL like it.


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I want to remind that using alt accounts to increase the power of your faction is, as you MIGHT guess… NOT allowed! I think it is somewhat fair that we have a rule like this!

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This plugin allows you to put any image or gif you desire and make it into a mapart.
The two most important commands are as follows :

/imageframe select - Select item frames to put image maps on
/imageframe create <name> <url> <width> <height> - Create a new image map

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File: levitating soy.png 📥︎ (25.83 KB, 768x442) ImgOps

Server is back! =>

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It shall be known that the FIRST SoyCraft Presidency shall happen, and it will be great, greater than any other presidency you know, trust me.

Currently we are in the CAMPAIGNING STAGES.

TO SUBMIT A CAMPAIGN You must state your :

Name of President
(Optional) Name of Vice President
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THREAD LOCKED! You cannot join the elections as a candidate anymore. Elections will happen today, stay wary.

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Hey jannies
Pin a thread for Voice Chats
I don't want to make a new thread
Every, Single, Time.
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CHUD please CHUD please save us please CHUD please save us we need you CHUD please CHUD please save us please


CHUD do this


the only good janny


please CHUD

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i cant have raisin in this fucking server man
woluntas raped our beacon


How are you even on the server

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wind please read
go to somewhere like 300 300
and place a command block with "summon rabbit 303 ~ 303 {RabbitType:99}"
(place on the ground)
then put a linked/chain restone not needed command block attached to the first one
with "execute positioned 303 ~ 303 run effect @p[type=rabbit] resistance 3000 4"
it should spawn a killer rabbit with strong resistance. i might have mistyped it or fucked up the commands though doe.


You have to redstone power the first command block, its the one that isnt green


it should be able to summon the killer rabbit because i dont think that ones wrong but the execute command is really annoying to deal with

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who the fuck took all the diorite from the colosseum building materials chest


i only took two leftover stacks from when i was building


2 stacks is fine, it's a full chest of diorite that went missing


I told him he had to pay me back tenfold or have his firstborn caca killed.

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First, I'm an anarchist, not a terrorist. I want to demonstrate my credibility and to be heard through my actions, not to cower after doing my deed nor to put the blame on someone else.

To the players.
Thanks to your faction drama faggotry, you drove-off almost all of the players who wanted to build, but it was manageable, until it wasn't.
My bases have been raided, while I was offline, thrice and I still don't know what's so interesting inside them. Troth times, all of my building blocks have been either stolen or destroyed.
New players join, get raped and leave, all within, on average, 20 minutes. Way to go, goys!

To the admins.
I've said it many times, the Government has too much power and too much land, newfrogcacas can't build anything near spawn. The server is sometimes so laggy, that players, myself included, fall into the void or get rubber-banded from a high place. The Hard difficulty has been an unnecessary burden since the beginning of Soycraft 2 and it made many players leave, but it was manageable, until it wasn't.
The removal of deadchests was the last straw, because the server became unplayable even with cheats enabled.
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I checked out pdbq's base at [-9659 66 -8439] and there's a trans flag and scat porn everywhere what the fuck is wrong with you


post a ss of the trans flag lol


I can't. There's the vilest fucking gay porn imaginable plastered all over it. Not posting that raisin here


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i guess we'll just take your word for it. i blame epicthrembo…


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thanks for the fish nigga

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